Latin Name: Saponaria officinals Linn
Part Used: Whole plant
Specification: 10:1 ,20:1
Main Ingredients: Saponins
Appearance: Brown yellow Powder
1. Can be used as a medicine, expectorant, tracheitis, diuretic effect.
2. Contains saponins, can be used for washing utensils.
Description About Soapwort Extract(Saponaria Officinals Extract)
Soapwort extract contain high concentration of the naturalsaponines. These substances possess the character of surfactants i.e.they can be used as the agent for dissolution of the lipophilicsubstances in water phase creating micro-micelles. This property isuseful in case of the formulation of the pure natural cosmeticpreparations. Beside the above mentioned physical properties thesaponines influence positively the processes of inflammation in theskin and joints.