Appearance: Faint yellow powder
Specification: 50%,95% Propolis,15%flavonoids
Medical uses:
As an antimicrobial
As an emollient
As an immunomodulator
As a dental anti-plaque agent
As an anti-tumor growth agent
Propolis is used by certain music instrument makers to enhance the appearance of the wood grain. It is a component of some varnishes and was reportedly used by Antonio Stradivari.
Propolis is used by some chewing gum manufacturers to make Propolis Gum.
Description About Propolis Extract
Propolis Extract is a wax-like substance used by honey bees to protect the bee hive against infections. Bee Propolis contains antibacterial properties that when used by people may boost the immune system.Propolis is a gummy substance made by bees, who combine it with wax to fortify and sterilize their hives. Propolis has been traditionally used for its natural disinfecting properties. Valued for centuries, these products are used for energy enhancement and support of general health.