Cabinda Bark Extract

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Other Name: Cabinda Extract, Pausinystalia Macroceras Bark Extract
Latin Name: Pausinystalia macroceras
Extract Part: Bark
Appearance: Brown Yellow Powder
Specification: 10:1
Test Method: TLC
Main Application Field:
Improve physical strength and vitality;
Reduce fatigue;
Aphrodisiac and kidney;
1. It is an aphrodisiac for both men and women;
2. The bark extract can be used to fight impotence;
3. It is shown to be a powerful antioxidant;
4. The bark extract also helps prevent arteries from getting clogged;
5. The extract helps sexual performance, increase libido.
Description About Cabinda Bark Extract
Cabinda Extract comes from the bark of an Angola tree and the active compound, Pausinystalia macroceras, has traditionally been used as a stimulant and aphrodisiac in West Africa and South America.The bark is known far and wide for its powerful sexual-enhancing properties, commonly known as an aphrodisiac. In the USA,Cabinda Bark Extract is often promoted in dietary supplements for treating impotence, stimulating male sexual performance and enhancing athletic performance.
Cabinda Bark Extract is an alpha adrenergic receptor blocker that selectively blocks ganglionic presynaptic a2-adrenaline receptors, dilates vascular smooth muscle, increases peripheral parasympathetic tone, and reduces sympathetic tone , thus dilate the arteries of the penis, increase the blood flow of the cavernous sinus d to make the penis fully erect; at the same time, the alkaloids in the cabinda bark extract have a beneficial effect on erectile function through the central action, and increase the secretion of a2-adrenaline by blocking the central nervous system. And the cells in the noradrenergic nucleus of the brain are excited, so that the free 3-methoxy-4-hydroxy-phenylethylene glycol in the plasma increases, so that the central sensory nerve is excited and stimulated, thereby increasing libido.

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